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Investment Philosophy


At our core, we are focused on Building Relationships, Enhancing Lives and Creating Legacies.

Our philosophy is to help clients reach their financial goals and maintain their lifestyles throughout retirement. We analyze every client’s situation independently and invest in global diversified portfolios aligned with the client’s long-term vision. We believe that diversification provides our clients with the best opportunity of success. We understand the functions of the financial markets and stay true to our investment disciplines during volatile markets as we focus on long-term returns, wealth preservation and accumulation.

Investment Process

Our investment process is focused on seven primary investment principles: goals, risk, diversification, tax minimization, time, discipline and cost.

Defining client goals is the first step in the process. We must have a defined goal or set of goals to understand the end target. Once the goals have been established, we start the process of constructing a portfolio of investments that align our client’s goals with their assets.

Determining client’s risk tolerance is paramount to creating a portfolio that is perfectly aligned with the amount of risk a client is comfortable with. The level of risk aversion determines the field of investments and drives our analysis of suitable investments.

Diversity is the key to reducing volatility in a portfolio. With client goals and risk tolerance established, we analyze suitable investments and strategically construct a diversified portfolio that stands the test of time and gives the client peace of mind.

Paying attention to tax strategies for your business or retirement income is important, but there is no single right strategy. Each person’s personal situation is different and preparing a tax minimization strategy for each client is detrimental to the returns of the portfolio.

The amount of time to retirement plays a significant role in how we build portfolios and the asset classes utilized within the portfolio. We understand market cycles and the consequences of not considering time horizon as a major component of our investment process.

Our core belief is to stay disciplined when markets are volatile. We are confident in our investment selection process. Staying invested during difficult times has proven to be the best way to remain on track to meet client goals. Knee-jerk reactions to market fluctuation diminishes the returns in a portfolio. We stay the course, but closely monitor performance and make necessary adjustments when appropriate.

Understanding that fees associated with investments have an impact on returns, our mission is to search out the very best solutions for each client while keeping costs at a minimum.


Defining client goals is the first step in the process. We must have a defined goal or set of goals to understand the end target. Once the goals have been established, we start the process of constructing a portfolio of investments that align our client’s goals with their assets.


Determining client’s risk tolerance is paramount to creating a portfolio that is perfectly aligned with the amount of risk a client is comfortable with. The level of risk aversion determines the field of investments and drives our analysis of suitable investments.


Diversity is the key to reducing volatility in a portfolio. With client goals and risk tolerance established, we analyze suitable investments and strategically construct a diversified portfolio that stands the test of time and gives the client peace of mind.

Tax Minimization

Paying attention to tax strategies for your business or retirement income is important, but there is no single right strategy. Each person’s personal situation is different and preparing a tax minimization strategy for each client is detrimental to the returns of the portfolio.


The amount of time to retirement plays a significant role in how we build portfolios and the asset classes utilized within the portfolio. We understand market cycles and the consequences of not considering time horizon as a major component of our investment process.


Our core belief is to stay disciplined when markets are volatile. We are confident in our investment selection process. Staying invested during difficult times has proven to be the best way to remain on track to meet client goals. Knee-jerk reactions to market fluctuation diminishes the returns in a portfolio. We stay the course, but closely monitor performance and make necessary adjustments when appropriate.


Understanding that fees associated with investments have an impact on returns, our mission is to search out the very best solutions for each client while keeping costs at a minimum.

Registered Representative of Sanctuary Securities Inc. and Investment Advisor Representative of Sanctuary Advisors, LLC. Securities offered through Sanctuary Securities, Inc., Member FINRA, SIPC. Advisory services offered through Sanctuary Advisors, LLC., a SEC Registered Investment Advisor. mFORCE Capital is a DBA of Sanctuary Securities, Inc. and Sanctuary Advisors, LLC.

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