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Our Solutions


You deserve to travel the world at your leisure, pursue philanthropy, or do anything else you desire all while ensuring your wealth is not just preserved, but empowered to thrive for generations.

At mFORCE, we know it takes more than foundational wealth strategies to build a legacy. No two families are the same, so no two financial plans should look the same. We created mFORCE Capital to bridge the gap between laying the foundation and building the rest of the house.  

Our distinctive multi-family office model crafts personalized strategies to empower your family, enhances your negotiating strength for greater leverage and buying power, and allows you to draw from the success of others within the office by tapping into the solutions and strategies that have worked for them.


Do you want to ensure your wealth is not just preserved, but empowered to thrive for generations? Are you nervous about sharing your wealth with your family and want a trusted, neutral party to help organize your affairs? Do you not want your family to worry about what will happen when you’re gone?

For many, providing for family is the most important thing they can do. It’s the dream for many parents to provide a better life for their kids and grandkids than they had. When your wealth is oriented around that idea of family, it can become an estate that serves your family for generations.

  • Customized personal investment strategy
  • Cash flow optimization
  • Insurance analysis
  • Personal risk management
  • Governance for family meetings
  • Wealth transfer strategies
  • Tax minimization strategies
  • Trust services
  • Next-Gen education

Many of the people we work with are visionaries. They see problems in the world and want to go out and solve them. Navigating the complexities of business formation, operations, and exits can be difficult. But with the right wealth management strategy, the ideas that keep your gears turning can turn into sprawling businesses that provide jobs, livelihoods, and solutions to your communities.

Whether you want to create, grow, sell, or have someone succeed you, mFORCE is ready to manage the complexities of your business so you can freely enjoy the free market.

  • ERISA and 401(k) expertise
  • 10b5-1 strategies
  • Succession planning
  • Risk management
  • Stock options planning
  • Asset concentration strategies
  • Value optimization for exit/sale
  • Next-Gen education

As people age, join new communities, and become more aware of the world, they start to think about leaving the world better than they found it. Maybe they’ve donated when possible and volunteered when available, but as their wealth grows, they want to help bring about positive change on a grander scale than what they could do alone. In addition, a generous philanthropic effort helps alleviate the tax burden placed on households and businesses come tax season.

Have you always wanted to do more for your community, but the issues outpace the solutions? Are you concerned your investments aren’t going to the most ethical organizations? Learn to realize your dream of improving the world with the right wealth management plan.

  • Philanthropic plan development
  • Impact investing
  • Private foundations
  • Charitable trusts
  • Donor advised fund implementation

Success doesn’t have to be about finding new vocations or moving on to the next problem in the world. Sometimes, it’s better to sail around the world, retire deep in the mountains, or enjoy the view from a penthouse over your favorite downtown skyline.

Do you want to drive off into the sunset, satisfied with your hard work in chase of adventure and freedom? If that’s what you want, you’ve earned it, and we want to help you live that life.

  • Real Estate
  • Planes
  • Investments
  • Vacations

A wealth management plan isn’t one size fits all. You probably have more vision for your life than just stewarding new generational wealth, growing an empire of businesses, giving back to your communities, or living a less ordinary life. You want it all—and you deserve it!

  • Tax Ways To Leave To Heirs
  • Family Governance
  • Estate Planning
  • What Do You Do When You Inherit


At mFORCE, we believe everyone deserves expert financial guidance. Our services are tailored to accommodate a variety of financial situations. We're committed to delivering the highest quality service within an affordable and transparent pricing structure.

If you’re ready to take the next step to building your legacy, call or email us today and tell us about your goals for your wealth and your life.

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Registered Representative of Sanctuary Securities Inc. and Investment Advisor Representative of Sanctuary Advisors, LLC. Securities offered through Sanctuary Securities, Inc., Member FINRA, SIPC. Advisory services offered through Sanctuary Advisors, LLC., a SEC Registered Investment Advisor. mFORCE Capital is a DBA of Sanctuary Securities, Inc. and Sanctuary Advisors, LLC.

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